Friday, March 12, 2010

He's A TeEnAgEr!

Well it's official, I am getting OLDER by the minute. Tanner has celebrated his 13th birthday on Thursday. I can't believe it. I find myself reflecting on the day he was born and all the things he did as a little boy. I can tell you I am so proud of what he has grown into. Such a good kid and I am not just saying that cause he is my boy. He had a way busy day. His school went skiing for the day. He was tired and sore when he came home. But no down time because I caved in and we went to the cell phone store. Yes Tanner has a cell phone now. I swore I wouldn't do it but when he says mom "6 4.0 GPA's in a row is pretty good." So yes he talked us into it. After he got his phone we had to hurry to his orchestra recital. He still plays the Viola and has been for going on 5 years. The whole group sounded great.
He is thinking in this picture "Hurray up and take the dang picture"
After the recital, he invited his friend Tyger and we went to Texas Roadhouse. Of course he ordered the Prime Rib and cheese fries with bacon. It's sounds bad just typing it on the computer. Anyway they make you sit on the saddle and give you a big Texas Yee-Haw for your birthday. It was funny. In this picture he is reaching for his ice cream before his dad can get a hold of it.
So now he is 13, loaded with a cell phone and running for class president. OK so now I am bragging but wouldn't you?
Happy Birthday Tanner! We love you and are so PROUD of you.
p.s. by the end of the night he had received 168 text's and only 6 people had his number. I think I am in for a shock.

1 comment:

R Babinsky said...