Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Huge Shout Out

Brent is in the middle of his cute wife Alishia and my father -in-law Craig.
Ok well I just have to publicly thank my brother-in-law, Brent Nielsen. Without him our little family would be in a world of hurt. Our townhouse in Logan was recently vacated from the last renters. And let me just vent a little. I get so tired of dirty, smelly people. This place was not trashed as bad as other times but plenty of holes in the walls and doors needed to be replaced. We have spent many hours trying to fix it up so now we can sell it. Anyway Brent talked us into redoing the floors in hardwood and is helping us lay it. Or should I say he is doing all the work. Wayne and Brent hung a brand new beautiful front door and now we are going to replace the cabnites. It is hard work and it is nice to know you can depend of family to help you out. So I know he reads the blog every once in a while but really THANK YOU BRENT!!!!!!!!!

More pic coming soon- Stay tuned!!!!

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