It's funny just the other day I was thinking, "Wow, it's almost May and we have not had any major problems yet."
This has got to be the longest we went without someone getting sick or hurt. Then it happened- My very obedient boys told me they were headed to the park to play baseball. I said it was fine, I was glad they didn't want to go down the street to the farmers field, trespass and climb trees in some abandoned fort. I told them I was going bowling with the Young Women and their Father would be home shortly.
When I was almost to Logan with the Young Women I received a phone call. It was my neighbor, Alisha, and she told me I needed to come home right now. I told her Wayne would be home shortly and she said no you need to come home. I asked why, and by this time I was panicking, Was my house on fire? The kids missing? Someone hurt? She informed me that my Tanner had fallen out of a tree in the farmers field and got a stick stuck in his leg and she was NOT going to pull it out. So I told my friend Kareen to turn around and to please take me back home.
When I walked into the house there sat Tanner on a chair with a stick in his knee. Well me being the strong mom that I am (not) looked for a chair because I was about to hit the floor. (I don't do well when my kids get hurt).
Any way he told me to take it out and I laughed and asked if it hurt. He said only if I walk. So I helped him into the car and to the instacare we go.
During this time his tell me that he saw on a episode of "Man vs. Wild" that if you pull a stick out of a artery you will bleed to death. I had to tell him to be quite. At instacare they got us right in and I thought they would take it out and we would go home. NO- the lovely Dr told me he had to see if it was in the joint, if it was he would require surgery. WHAT- oh here we go. After x-rays and Dad teasing him that he needed a wooden leg and an eye patch the Dr said it did not do that much damage. He numbed the area and pulled it out. It was really stuck in there so I am glad I didn't try. Now he is on Anti-biotic and all is well. He still has to wear bandages but it is healing nicely. BTW I didn't post pic of it. Thought the description would be enough.