Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Big Day Tomorrow

Well the day has finally come. Wayne will return to work after a long 9 weeks. I don't know if he looks forward to it as much as I but it will be good for him. We actually have to go to bed at 10:30 cause Wayne, myself and Tanner all will be up at 6am. We have not done that since July 24Th. Well say a little prayer for Wayne and let me just say it's good to have him walking again.

Also after tomorrow lets say about 6pm I will be relieved cause the SCRIPTURE OLYMPICS primary activity will be over. Then I can start working on the primary program for October. It seems like it never ends. Good Night Everybody!!


The Babinskys said...

Good Luck Wayne!!! Great family, great blog, go Primary!! Love you guys, see you soon. Ryan

Oakstream Photography said...

WAHOOOOOOOOO Waynerd!!!!!!!!!!!!! How was your first day neighbor? Wish I could of seen ya leave this am & Michael & I would of been your cheerleaders out in the drive...hahahaha! Go Wayne Go Wayne....you ROCK :-)