Tuesday, September 23, 2008


This is how I am feeling right now. This was taken a couple of years ago. Is he not the cutest?
Well, it's finally done. At least the rough draft is done. It's the primary program for over 130 children. It is in 1 month and I am already stressed!!!!!!!!!!!! Wayne says not to worry cause people only listen to their child, but I want it to sound well. Especially the songs. They are not very loud for how many of them there are. Next month I think we are just going to work on songs. They might be sick of them but at least they will know them. So wish us luck. I now have to get the bishops approval but I think it will be fine.

1 comment:

Oakstream Photography said...

haha..OH MY!!! Nothing changes :-)

He's a hoot!!!

Good luck with all your stuff..PHEW!!! Makes me tired just reading it..haha! Love ya!!!