Friday, September 19, 2008

The Scripture Olympics

Here we dressed up as Book of Mormon people.

These girls are the oldest. They are trying to hold up the weights the longest. I don't know what they are doing with the things on their forhead.

This is little Diego. He was trying to blow Nephi's ship to the Americas

Boy am I glad this one is over. It was a lot of work but the children had a great time. I was able to borrow a Goliath from a friend at work. He was over 9 feet tall and we had the children stand next to it to see how they compared. We wrapped Ding Dongs in gold paper with red ribbons, so everyone could earn a gold medal. We also did the 10 commandments, Nephi's ship, tower of Babel, Noah's Ark relay and shoot Samel the Lamanite. My counselors were great help, I could not have done it without them.

1 comment:

Kasia said...

wow sounds like a lot of fun and a lot of work! Thanks for the nice comments on my blog and good luck Wayne! I am glad you are feeling better.