Saturday, August 15, 2009

Swimming Lessons

This summer was so crazy this year, but we were able to throw in 2 weeks of swimming lessons. My boys can swim but I wanted them to fill confident in the water. Tyler did well and improved a lot. Tanner was able to pass on to the next level. Way to go boys. With school starting next week I am so glad they go to play around for a little bit before going back. Here is Tyler doing the backstroke, Chicken-airplane-solider, is how he told me the movements go. Whatever helps you remember!
Tyler's class, him with his hands up. Sorry the pics are not closer, they would not let the parents near the pool. Which is great so we don't interfere with the teaching going on.
Tanner and his class, learning the dolphin kick.
The boys said they had a good time and we plan on continuing on in the lessons. Who knows maybe they are built for swimming.

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