Friday, October 9, 2009

Are You Ready For Some Football?

Here he is! My handsome QB, receiver/ what ever the coach needed to be played, Tanner. Yes football is over and he wishes his team did better but what fun we had this year. He did so good, I am going to toot my own horn for a minute if I could. He received 4 touchdowns 1 interception, many carries and blocks. He only sat out like 5 plays. He was also so tired after a game and only once was he injured in his ribs. He did awesome and grew so much this year. We are so proud of you Tanner! Keep up the good work.
We traveled all over this year and played some tough teams. Some close games. Tanner is #5 his new favorite number.
His Coach, Coach Rigby, used him to call all the plays in, luckily he had them on his arm band.
This was taken one day when all the family came to see his game. Thanks for the support.

All in all a great year. The weather was so great and with me being team mom we all were really involved, it made it that more enjoyable. Can't wait till next year. Go Mustangs!

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